
Copyright ©2024 REDLARA

News & Informativos

The Latin American Network of Assisted Reproduction (REDLARA) will perform a virtual regional congress -  REDLARA EN VIVO, which will take place on August 22, 2020  through the Zoom platform, with an estimated of 500 participants (mostly from Latin America).

As you can see in the scientific program (click here), the modality of this congress will be debates on different challenging topics.

We have also attached the opportunities (click here) for the participation of your company in this event, since some topics that will be discussed are of your interest.

In these times, when the distance is the new rule, REDLARA EN VIVO represents an excellent opportunity to be "close" to the professions of the Latin American continent. 

Once you have reviewed the information, if you have any questions, please contact us.

Contact: Marina Diaz • info@redlara.com